Supporting Inifresi

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As we begin the process of starting our business, we're needing help with the costs!

Starting out from the bottom, we're trying to work our hardest to spread the deliciousness of our food and the chill vibes of the island through word-of-mouth and goodwill with our future customers by offering plates and asking to give what you'd like/give what you can. Much of our initial expenses are coming out-of-pocket, so we're asking for help from anyone who is willing and able to support us.

If you choose to help us out, your donation will go toward:

  • Cost of food for sample plates
  • Cost of supplies for cooking and distributing sample plates
  • Saving for rent toward a future commerical kitchen
  • Saving for any necessary equipment
  • Marketing costs, such as business cards and social media
  • Website hosting, administration, and maintenance

We are humbled and appreciative of any support you can offer, whether monetary or by way of helping us spread the word. Thank you so much for taking the time to visit our website and checking us out!